12" VinylFecha de lanzamiento
August 2019Editora
Harper AudioPeso
6 ozFrom his early hardscrabble life to his literary success, Charles Bukowski’s unique personality came alive through his work. In 1993, the year before he died, this counterculture icon recorded and published selections from his classic Run With The Hunted. Charles Bukowski Uncensored Vinyl includes selections from that recording session, along with candid conversations between Bukowski, his wife, and his producer. For any fan of Charles Bukowski, these recordings are an intimate look at a brilliant and wild mind.
Selections included: The Genius of the Crowd, Consummation of Grief, The Poetry Reading, Short Order, The Soldier, his Wife and the Bum, The Most, The Mockingbird, Fan Letter, Luck, Are you Drinking?, You Know and I Know and Thee Know, an excerpt from Ham on Rye, and We Ain’t Got No Money, Honey, but we Got Rain.